I just thought I would write a really quick post to let you know I graduated from the Masters two weeks ago. It went well in the end, managed to get through all this and have a degree at the end of it which is a lot more than I expected. Just to show you what I look like at this stage here is a picture of the graduation (does it ring a familiar bell to you???):

It all went well although it seemed my supervisor wasn't around for it (which was actually a lot better than it it had been otherwise). This meant the day went smothly and I had no worries at all. Now I am finally installed in Barcelona, still waiting to get paid for what I do but sure some day this will come. And right now, with the crisis and all, it seems a grant is a good wa to go since you get it for 4 years here and hopefully the whole thing will be over and done with by then and will only be a small memory of the past.
Let us know how you are doing!! I know nothing about any of you!!!
Miss you!! And Barcelona is open to you whenever you want, remember!!!!!!!!!!
xx Rosa
Congratz Roseta!!!! Damm u've done it girl! I really didn't expect to see u in this "familiarly looking place" dressed like this!!! And yep obviously it's a pity that ur supervisor didn't make it... I bet u've cry whole night and still can't get a decent sleep! hehe so now ur free ready to go with a phd (preaty huge ...:)! sure u don't want to move to some big city like london to do some work??? Would b soo awesome... think about that:)
Anyway well me and J are lazy (what a surprise!) so I'm gonna write sth soon... like really soon!
Yo! Well done!!! I am really happy for you although I had a sneaking suspicion that you were gonna do well...Lets face it, with your brain even I passed final year in NUIG.
So now you have ANOTHER 4 years in Barcelona? That seems quite long?
Talk to you soon hopefully.
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